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Aiming bombs from Hurri IIc


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Is there a way of accurately delivering a bomb from a Hurricane IIc? Or do I just have to keep guessing on the landing point?

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right click the desktop icon to get to the games folder and open "ww2.exe"

it's offline training, you can use the black scorch mark to see where your bomb hit

press ctrl+x to get a third person view


even better, record your run with fraps then watch it a few times to find "bombing sights".


you'll go from hitting a "2 town sized area" to "armybase walls" area in no time S!

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AFAIK  the first bomb to drop is the one on the left wing, so i usually aim a bit to the right of my target for my first bomb.

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When dive-bombing, in principle your bomb will fall the closer to your crosshair the: 1) Closer to 90 degrees you go 2) Faster you go.

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23 hours ago, haupt said:

There are no sites. It's a feel you get after bombing for a while.

not sights per say, there are places in the cockpit where, when the bomb was released, they're likely to land.

someone MS painted a good 111 picture for 2km using one of the windows, it even had speeds.

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I have had the most luck dropping just slightly before the lower reticle and slightly to left or right depending on which bomb. Slight left for 1st and slight right for 2nd.

It is more accurate the steeper of the angle, but many times I do not have time, alt and speed to line up the angle so I use the point above in general and can usually hit my intended target within a few meters.

Since heavier tanks have to be essentially hit directly and on the rear for best results, I have nowhere near a huge success rate. Only have had 2-3 times where I have hit and exploded 2 tanks in one flight, but I come pretty close just about every drop.

It works very well for soft targets though and at higher drop alts to avoid getting close to aaa trying to shoot you as your dropping on them.  


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15 hours ago, fizzgig said:

I have had the most luck dropping just slightly before the lower reticle and slightly to left or right depending on which bomb. Slight left for 1st and slight right for 2nd.

It is more accurate the steeper of the angle, but many times I do not have time, alt and speed to line up the angle so I use the point above in general and can usually hit my intended target within a few meters.

Since heavier tanks have to be essentially hit directly and on the rear for best results, I have nowhere near a huge success rate. Only have had 2-3 times where I have hit and exploded 2 tanks in one flight, but I come pretty close just about every drop.

It works very well for soft targets though and at higher drop alts to avoid getting close to aaa trying to shoot you as your dropping on them.  



Fizzgig, when you say slighlty before the lower reticle does that mean above it (within the circle) or below it (below the circle)?

Also, do you use the gunsight view (zoomed in) when you bomb?



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Just above it and within the circle and yes I zoom in most of the time unless I am dodging ea and need to hotdrop with zero set up. Still seems to work fairly well either way for me.

Target will be to the left of the vertical line on the bottom of the reticle first drop and right the second. If I was pressed to give measurements, I would say about 1/16th of an inch above the reticle and 1/8th of an inch left or right.  

I used to have a hard time remembering which bomb dropped first by the time the IIc made its way in, but a squaddie simply stated it is just like reading a book....left to right.  *duh* Now I don't forget.

The closer the better, but again it works with pretty good results dropping from a little alt ...for me at least. I see a lot of pilots drop much closer than I do and cannot pull out before taking shrapnel from the explosion and that just takes practice. I rarely every hurt myself with shrapnel, but it does happen in the heat of battle.

I am by far not an expert on bombing, so keep in mind just stating what works for me. Your typical dive angle may necessitate an adjustment on your end, but I think it will yield decent results in general as it does for me.


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