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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

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I`m trying to learn to fly..I`m getting better..only crashed 1000 times so far...I started flying a bomber the other day..I know how to drop the bomb but I don`t see anything in the HUD`s regarding whether the doors are open or closed or how many bombs I have left..any help ? 


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Only the boston I and DB7 have doors that you have to open, there is a red handle front right bombardiers position that is down when open  . HE111 has doors but the bombs open them as they drop.

For a bomber that has a bombardiers position the bombs left are listed in the bombardiers ammo hud. For bombers that drop from the pilots seat, ju-87, blen I and the fighter bombers the bombs are listed in the pilots ammo hud.

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OK...does that mean I have to change positions to drop bombs in the boston and DB7..is that possible when training ? I got the HUD thing figured out I think.

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Yes, Boston/DB7/HE111/Blen4 only drop bombs from the 2 position.



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Actually in the DB7 and Boston you can jettison all your bombs from the pilots position. Check your keymapper. That puts all 8 out. So if you need to carpet bomb a bridge, efms or depot that works really nice.  Other than that they are right, you can only drop 1 bomb at a time from the bombadier's position. Some guys use keyboard macros to switch from pilot to bomber, drop then back to pilot. 


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1 hour ago, lonepilgim said:

I`m trying to learn to fly..I`m getting better..only crashed 1000 times so far...I started flying a bomber the other day..I know how to drop the bomb but I don`t see anything in the HUD`s regarding whether the doors are open or closed or how many bombs I have left..any help ? 


Lonepilgrim, I have a basic level bombing video here:  


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ok thanks..one problem I`m having sometimes I spawn in and the HUD`s are there but lately my secondary weapon HUD is hidden..how do I get it back ? one other question..I`m training on the Blenheim MK IV and the Junkers JU-52..I`m starting to get the hang of it but I definitely need to be on the easier planes to fly..can I get a partial list of planes from easiest to best to fly..thanks

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Pressing left ctrl and y keys together resets the screen elements.

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40 minutes ago, lonepilgim said:

ok thanks..one problem I`m having sometimes I spawn in and the HUD`s are there but lately my secondary weapon HUD is hidden..how do I get it back ? one other question..I`m training on the Blenheim MK IV and the Junkers JU-52..I`m starting to get the hang of it but I definitely need to be on the easier planes to fly..can I get a partial list of planes from easiest to best to fly..thanks

Not sure Lonepilgim. The "Y" key should cycle your HUD. Ctrl "Y" will reset it ( you can find this information in the keymapper).

(Hit M to open the Map, then select the Keymapper Tab). Ju52 is probably the easiest to fly and I'd put the Blen, Boston, and DB7 all in the same category of next easiest. There is a preflight process that you need to go through with these  - and any of the  - planes.

Put on your brakes (check keymapper for how your brakes are mapped). You will need to hold down the brake key continuously - just like in a car - to stop any rolling.  

start the Engine  - usually the E key. Select Maximum RPM (Usually the < ' > key. Turn WEP on. Run up your throttle to 100% and let the rpms  build to their max - all while holding the brakes on.

Once you hit the max RPMs you should be able to release the brakes and start your roll.

Once you reach 90-100 mph you should be able to lift off  , but use a gentle pull on the stick. If you horse the stick you will stall and crash. (fyi 20%  or so of  flaps will  help your lift off). Once you are up, raise the gear. 

Flatten out, gain speed and you will be able to start your climb to your target altitude.

Offline flying is your best way to master this very detailed set of steps. 

Flying is a process and it will keep your hands full as the learning curve is steep. Please keep up with your questions as there are many fine pilots who will gladly help you out here :)


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1 hour ago, lonepilgim said:

.I`m training on the Blenheim MK IV and the Junkers JU-52..I`m starting to get the hang of it but I definitely need to be on the easier planes to fly..can I get a partial list of planes from easiest to best to fly..thanks

As far as fighter planes, I'll let some of the fighter pilots chime in as I pretty much only fly bombers. 

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:04 PM, dustyhc said:

Not sure Lonepilgim. The "Y" key should cycle your HUD. Ctrl "Y" will reset it ( you can find this information in the keymapper).

(Hit M to open the Map, then select the Keymapper Tab). Ju52 is probably the easiest to fly and I'd put the Blen, Boston, and DB7 all in the same category of next easiest. There is a preflight process that you need to go through with these  - and any of the  - planes.

Put on your brakes (check keymapper for how your brakes are mapped). You will need to hold down the brake key continuously - just like in a car - to stop any rolling.  

start the Engine  - usually the E key. Select Maximum RPM (Usually the < ' > key. Turn WEP on. Run up your throttle to 100% and let the rpms  build to their max - all while holding the brakes on.

Once you hit the max RPMs you should be able to release the brakes and start your roll.

Once you reach 90-100 mph you should be able to lift off  , but use a gentle pull on the stick. If you horse the stick you will stall and crash. (fyi 20%  or so of  flaps will  help your lift off). Once you are up, raise the gear. 

Flatten out, gain speed and you will be able to start your climb to your target altitude.

Offline flying is your best way to master this very detailed set of steps. 

Flying is a process and it will keep your hands full as the learning curve is steep. Please keep up with your questions as there are many fine pilots who will gladly help you out here :)


Thanks..I`m doing pretty good at this actually especially considering I`m using a mouse not a joystick..I played many years ago with a stick..I never found it that much better to tell you the truth..flaps all I have is up or down..did you mean elevator trim?  I read somewhere 14% is good although I never under stood if that was up or down..I`m assuming up ? Then 0 once I get in the air ? 

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59 minutes ago, lonepilgim said:

Thanks..I`m doing pretty good at this actually especially considering I`m using a mouse not a joystick..I played many years ago with a stick..I never found it that much better to tell you the truth..flaps all I have is up or down..did you mean elevator trim?  I read somewhere 14% is good although I never under stood if that was up or down..I`m assuming up ? Then 0 once I get in the air ? 

Actually I did mean flaps, but forgot that you have to add some lines to your .cfml  file to make the game see them as incremental vs. full On/Off.  You can get the code for this here: https://wiki.wwiionline.com/view/Incremented_flaps
I think your cfml file is in the \Documents\Battleground Europe folder. There's a video link as well at that site that walks you through that. 

No elevator until you hit adequate ground speed. Just neutral elevator until you hit speed then gently feed up.  I usually add some down trim on my return flight after the bombs have dropped so that the plane holds autopilot without
bouncing out. 10-15% at max or continuous speed. 

I know it's lots of fiddly bits and flooby dust, but it is all worth it in the end.

Flying with a mouse????? 
Joseph and Mary!

Edited by dustyhc
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