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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

can i run the game in the background ?


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I`d like to be able to run the game in the background while doing other stuff with my computer..as it is wwii online is the only program on my computer that when I`m running it I can`t do anything on the computer except play the game and log out if I want to check my mail or whateve...any ideas?  thanks

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In general, yes you can, but if the other app eats up memory the game won't allow you to spawn in, and will despawn you if you don't have free memory- I had this happen just today when I left my very large browser tab count open.


The typical thing to do is keep headphones or speakers on, you hear something you switch back to the game.


How many GB RAM, what CPU, what other app are you talking about?

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Thanks for writing back...this is a custom built computer...core Intel(R) core(TM) i7-8700k @ 370Gz    3.7Ghz   ?  I don`t understand this

32 GB Installed RAM

What happens is when I`m running the game I cannot do anything else...the Windows key does nothing..the only thing I can bring up is the task manager


There is no specific program I need to run at the same time..usually if I`m online I am watching you tube videos or reading text

As you probably know sometimes when I log on there is nothing going on and I get tired of logging off and logging on because I can`t do anything else

when I`m in game and the game is running

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Left alt and tab keys together should switch you between open programs (WWIIOL-your browser etc)


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22 hours ago, lonepilgim said:

Thanks for writing back...this is a custom built computer...core Intel(R) core(TM) i7-8700k @ 370Gz    3.7Ghz   ?  I don`t understand this

32 GB Installed RAM


Whew that's a power machine, probably better then what 90+% of us are running.

3.7 Ghz is the number of cycles per second each of your CPUs are doing, pretty much overkill for this game especially since you have memory buffers out the wazoo from your 32GB.

What's your video card?

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