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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Way to bypass new account training.. server in Maintenance


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Returning player trying to see if this pc will run it and what game looks like after 15 yrs since I left.

but new account only gives option for training and trainer server is down for maintenance.  Anyway around that so I can play now?

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welcome home.

Not sure on the work around....someone will have some comment. 

Hang in there.

Graphics still crappy. Game play still good. Community still awesome.

well some of us ;)



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it's training on main server not the training server, type .graduatetrue, however   training only takes 10-15 minutes and will shake the rust off



Edited by chzacc
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Every new account must go threw the training tutorials...  Even if i make a test account i must go threw it :( 

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Ok thanks for the answers... any idea how long maintenance is going to take.  Still not up, I just checked....

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It doesn't seem to give me a choice on a new account.  Is there a work around that I am not aware of?

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Ahh well I cannot get in game because my only option is training server and that is as I said under maintenance....

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The graduate true command has been disabled a long time. The training is supposed to be optional with a choice to enter the main campaign. I'll need create a new acct and see whats up


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I tried creating yet another new account for free play and got this message.

Automatic login failed. Use the login link to login to your account.

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19 hours ago, icbofor said:

I cannot get that far... I am stuck just past login window.


Hopefully you can open that.

The training server is offline, no one can access it atm. I thought your issue was campaign server.


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