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Welcome to the virtual battlefield, Guest!

World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.



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Hello soldiers

Well im new in this game,and i would like to get bit help.

For example how to drive a truck,Jeep,Airplane and so on....the game looks cool and i like it but its impossible to walk-run for hours,and when i get there i got shoot lol

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Welcome to the game!

Instead of walking for hours, spawn from FMS (or in worst case, FB). You’ll see a ticked box for missions that have an FMS deployed in the Active Battles window.

When you operate a vehicle you’re stuck with it (unless you set a FMS as a truckdriver, despawn and respawn on the same mission). You cannot get out of or enter a vehicle to operate it once it’s spawned, unless you ride it as a passenger (J to Join is default iirc). You can only ride transport aircraft (ju52, c-47) and only exit them by parachute as a paratrooper or when safely on the ground as a regular infantry.

Look in the keymapper for vehicle controls (joystick recommended) and practice offline.

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Welcome buddy!

Feel free to join a discord channel and/or a squad, as you will find a lot of guys who are eager to help you with picking up the basics. There is also a help text channel in game to get some answers right away for all kinds of questions. Meet you on the battlefield ;)

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Welcome to the game. S! 

If you've done the manually training, go into your keymapper, and just look over your keybindings, and see what keys you feel is necessary for your liking. The game has a very very very steep learning curve. It'll get hard in the first couple days, don't worry, if you continue to play, it'll get easier and easier. I recommend to you joining a squad, and getting a feel with players. If you use Discord, jump into the channel and introduce yourself. It'll look suspicious if you don't say anything, and are just sitting in the Discord channel. There is a bunch of good players on both sides, with a bunch of good squads. If you are still confused on the game, there is a bunch of training videos on youtube, you can look up for example: "WWIIOL Training Tutorials", pretty sure some videos will pop up. 

Hope you enjoy the game, and see you on the battlefield. S!


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