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World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter based in Western Europe between 1939 and 1943. Through land, sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the best WWII simulation experience around.

Axis Fighter Ace Award awarded to Saffroli


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In recognition of gallant and distinguished service, the Axis High Command hereby presents the following:

Axis Fighter Ace Award

to the following player


For actions in combat during campaign 193. On 11 Feb 2023, Saffroli departed Gilze Airfield on mission 1090260 as a Fw 190A-3/B. During the course of the 43 minute mission, Saffroli closed with and decisively engaged enemy air forces ultimately scoring 7 kills vs enemy aircraft. This epic sortie has earned Saffroli the distinctive designation of Air Ace.

The actions of this service member were in keeping with the highest standards, and reflect credit upon the player, their country, and the Axis Forces.
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